Working time calendar

One of the interesting functionalities, available in both the basic and Enterprise versions, is the working time calendar. The preview in the calendar view shows information (very clearly presented) about which day the employee did not register full-time employment. Thanks to this, you can easily calculate your monthly salary or go to your supervisor with explanations.

Possibility to export data to Excel

Our no-code application allows you to easily and quickly export recorded working hours, reports and other data directly to Excel format.

Transparent reports for the client/organization

How to create reports in a time registration program? Our no-code application works on the principle: each company is assigned a specific request or ticket, thanks to which you can create transparent reports for the client or organization. The panel is intuitive - understanding and using the program is an easy task.

Reports on hours worked per month

Depending on the contract, the number of hours worked per month varies - it is most flexible in civil law contracts. Regardless of your professional commitment, it is important to report on the number of hours that have actually been spent at your company. The no-code application gives you this opportunity - and from the basic version!

Creating new tickets

In order to record the working time of a given person, it must first be entered into the system, i.e. create a new notification. This is handled by our no-code application, which inevitably aims to create reports. The assumption is that working time is registered in response to a given notification - this service is available in both desktop and mobile versions.

Application features

Adaptation to individual needs

The working time registration application has its own standardized layout, categories and shape. By choosing the Enterprise version, you can tailor the program to your individual needs. The most important criteria according to which the application can be transformed are: adding or removing fields from the form, setting field requirements, as well as additional, any modifications

Application features

Integrations with external tools

Automation of business activities (including HR) is manifested by the cooperation of various no-code applications with each other. This is also the case with our working time registration program. By choosing the Enterprise version, you will have more options. Use the integrity features of this app with various external tools.

Application features

A report for the superior with statistical data on days worked and holidays taken by his employees

The Enterprise version of our no-code application offers a detailed report for managers and supervisors. This report provides an overview of days worked as well as vacation days for each employee. This makes it easier to analyze work results and plan holidays, ensuring more effective human resources management.

Application features

Reporting working time by an employee who does not have an account in Qalcwise

The Enterprise version application allows working time reporting even by people who do not have an account in Qalcwise.

Application features

Reporting on a weekly and daily basis, divided into specific categories of tasks performed

Our Enterprise version application enables flexible reporting of working time. You can do this every day, add up the hours per week or assign them to specific task categories. This gives a full picture of how employees spend their time and which projects or tasks consume the most attention.

Application features

Sending e-mail notifications to the supervisor about the employee's registration of hours or overtime entry

Thanks to the Enterprise version, supervisors are up to date with their team's activities. When an employee logs working hours or reports overtime, the supervisor receives an email notification. This ensures faster communication.

Application features

Possibility to adjust the reported time in cycles other than every 15 minutes

By default, working time is recorded in 15-minute intervals. However, the Enterprise version allows you to customize this cycle according to the company's needs, whether for 5 minutes, 30 minutes or even an hour.

Application features

Possibility to customize colors and add a company logo

In the Enterprise version of the no-code application, it is possible to personalize the appearance of the application. You can adjust the colors to match the company's and add a company logo. Thanks to this, the tool becomes more consistent with the brand image, which in turn may contribute to better acceptance of the application by employees.

Basic plan
Enterprise plan

Full process flexibility
Solutions built from scratch

it's Qalcwise

Explore our no-code platform and check out all the options. Modern tools are tailored to individual business processes. Are you interested but don't understand everything? Don't worry, we'll explain everything! Check no-code!

Full process flexibility. Solutions built from scratch