Linking to the ordering application

Defining criteria

The criteria for assessing employee competences must be previously defined by specific authorities, e.g. management staff, employees responsible for creating and managing training, company analysts. Our no-code application allows you to separate and define conditions. This is basic functionality, available in both the Basic and Enterprise versions.

Linking to the ordering application

Defining point thresholds and ratings

The point thresholds and assessments to which each employee is subject (based on these guidelines, competence analysis is later carried out) must be defined. Almost the same mechanism is repeated as in the case of determining evaluation criteria. In our no-code application, authorized people (mainly managerial staff) have no problem performing this task.

Indication of fields required to be completed

Possibility to unlock or block the process

Competence assessment does not always have to involve the same people - sometimes employees are added to the process, and other times they are subtracted. The no-code application goes even further - it is possible to unlock or block the process of assessing employees' abilities. Such decisions may have various reasons, e.g. financial problems in the company.

Validations checking the correctness of form completion

Intuitive, clear dashboard

The better the main panel of the platform, the better - this is proven by the aesthetic dashboard, which is one of the elements of our no-code application. Through it, you can make changes such as: selecting the viewed edition, searching for links to each program, reporting the selected edition (in the form of a chart). In the case of filters, we search using the following criteria: Employee, Supervisor, Department.

Application features

Preparation of individual criteria

Competence assessment is most often carried out according to standard, specific criteria. Our no-code application in the Enterprise version has an innovative solution. It is possible to prepare individual criteria for a given person or department. Formulating these requirements is most often done by administrators or management staff.

Application features

Integration with external tools

Every no-code application lives in a "community" - it does not work independently, but often in correlation with other external or internal tools. For example: a competency assessment application may be linked to a survey and test program. Please note that this unique functionality is only available in Enterprise.

Basic plan
Enterprise plan

Full process flexibility
Solutions built from scratch

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Full process flexibility. Solutions built from scratch