Searching/filtering employees by fields: Employee ID, First Name, Surname, Position, Department, Supervisor, Active

Adding a new employee

The onboarding process begins with adding a new employee to the system. This is the basic functionality in our no-code application. Its extension is an additional, subordinate program introducing a new employee to the team and the company (he receives information useful for a given position, the basics of which include information about the organization, superiors, and responsibilities).

Activation\deactivation of employee

Completing the circulation list

The circulation list is intended to hold the employee accountable for the property entrusted to him by the company. Our no-code application gives you the opportunity - even in the basic version - to complete lists, including: information about training completed (along with the date), access received (system and office), and necessary tools.

Activation\deactivation of employee

Full offboarding process

As part of the basic version, our no-code application allows you to carry out the offboarding process. It includes: providing information, terminating contracts, withdrawing access to systems and returning company equipment. Well-executed offboarding proves the professionalism of the company from which the employee leaves.

Application features

Adaptation to individual needs

As you can guess, each no-code application has its own standardized layout, appearance, criteria and assumptions. The Enterprise version brings a breath of new information - management staff and administrators have the opportunity to adapt onboarding and offboarding processes to the individual needs of the client. This functionality is one of the reasons to focus on Enterprise.

Application features

Integration with the recruitment process application

The onboarding and offboarding application has - only in the Enterprise version - integration with external tools, including: the recruitment application. The arrangement between these specific programs is as follows: the data of an accepted candidate is automatically transferred to the onboarding and offboarding system.

Application features

An application introducing the employee to the team and the company

A smaller application, associated with the onboarding and offboarding program, is intended to introduce a new employee to the team and the company. A novice will be exposed to everything that is relevant to his position, including: information about the company, staff and responsibilities. This functionality is only available in Enterprise.

Basic plan
Enterprise plan

Full process flexibility
Solutions built from scratch

it's Qalcwise

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Full process flexibility. Solutions built from scratch