Applications for business
How to manage leaves in the company? The best tool for automating HR processes
by Qalcwise
20 March 2024
4 min
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Vacation is time off from work - certainly expected by every employee. The length of vacations is determined based on the length of service of a given person - they can last from 20 to 26 vacation days. However, employed people usually cannot take leave at any time, from one day to the next - they must report their desire for time off in advance. If all employees took leave whenever they wanted, there would be chaos in the company. HR and Human Resources departments deal with the administration of leaves. It used to be that people worked on Excel tables. Nowadays, companies focus on the automation of HR processes.

An orderly leave management process in the company – why is it so important?

Employee leave management is a strategic aspect of an enterprise's operation. Employee satisfaction equals more effective operation of the company - this can be influenced by an appropriate leave policy and a transparent system for managing days off.

Proper leave management in an organization includes activities such as: planning, communication, leave policy, compliance with legal regulations, and ensuring employee satisfaction.

Automation of the leave management process in the company – why is it worth investing in? Advantages of the solution

The leave management process is complex. It used to be that people worked on Excel tables. Currently, leave management applications are leading the way – such a program can also be found on Qalcwise. Modern technological solutions (e.g. web and mobile applications) support the entire process - from beginning to end. They can help supervise leave applications and ensure that applications are issued correctly. Certain programs make it easier to manage your leave. They ensure quick and effective communication between employees and the employer. Digitizing vacation plans will facilitate activities such as submitting and processing vacation applications or tracking available vacation days. This solution will be useful not only in large corporations. Automating the leave management process also saves time and money. The traditional, paper form of assessing applications is a long process that depends on the size and policy of a given company. The larger the company, the more employees ask the HR department about the availability and length of their vacation days. The appropriate application will eliminate this problem.

Leave management apps – no-code apps only

Investing in leave management programs can be quite expensive - but only if the company employs an IT team. As Qalcwise shows, HR process automation programs do not have to be so expensive. No-code technology allows you to quickly, efficiently and relatively cheaply achieve similar effects to tools created from scratch by experienced programmers..  

HR process automation tool from Qalcwise

The leave management application, part of a comprehensive no-code program for automating HR processes, is the pride of Qalcwise. The program is available in basic and Enterprise versions (advanced, with more custom features). It enables easy and effective management of days off in the organization. Let's learn about the individual features of this intuitive tool.

Permissions for administrators

Although the program was created with all employees in mind, it does not mean that each of them has unlimited access to all functions - only administrators have the authority to administer the number of vacation days for a given employee. They can also add new days off (designated by the organization). We can therefore say that the Qalwise tool ensures transparency and control (by authorized persons) over leaves in the company.

Rights for ordinary employees

In the leave management application, each employee can perform actions such as:: registering new leaves, checking the number of remaining leave days, using the leave calendar (individual and company), managing additional days off, as well as viewing past leaves.

Features of the leave management application

The Qalcwise leave management program allows you to centrally manage employees' days off - in one place. Employees can submit leave requests, and management can efficiently monitor and approve applications. The no-code application also allows you to automatically calculate available vacation days for a given employee. This means no more manual calculations or handwritten notes that may get lost. The leave management application enables flexible holiday planning. Choosing dates or checking availability with other employees - with the program it takes a while. This allows you to avoid unnecessary collisions and ensure continuity of work. Various notifications and reminders for distracted and forgetful people - this is another function of the leave management program. The no-code application automatically sends notifications and reminders about, among others: deadlines for submitting applications, days of approval of applications or upcoming holidays. HR, HR and Administration departments value the no-code application from Qalcwise for meticulously collecting data on employees' days off. This allows you to generate various reports or analyze holiday trends. Examples of information that can be extracted from the program include: number of vacation days, types of leave, days used and available.

What are good leave management practices in the company?

Investing in technologies that improve leave management in the company is the most important, but not the only, task facing the company in a given area.. Managers of the HR, Personnel and Administration departments use many practices to improve this task. Talking about:

  • Creating a leave policy supporting well-being – a well-prepared leave process builds employees' sense of security (they should not be afraid that a longer break from work will have negative consequences).
  • Prioritizing mental health – e.g. as leave related to mental health recovery.
  • Offering flexible holiday options – e.g. part-time leave, remote work, division of work into hours.
  • Encouragement to plan your days off well in advance – they can help prevent conflicts in terms of deadlines.
  • Clearly communicating leave policies – all employees should understand the leave policy and how to request time off. Clear guidelines are needed.
  • Additional leave as a reward for employees who achieve very good results at work - it can help increase their morale and motivation.
  • Control of the correctness of remuneration – analysis of whether employees received appropriate remuneration for free time or reimbursement of costs for remote work.
  • Support for employees returning from longer holidays, lasting several weeks or several months – e.g. in the form of coaching or mentoring programs, additional introductory training.
  • Monitoring and analyzing leave data – this will help identify trends and potential problems in managing days off. Managers will then be able to identify areas where additional support is needed, e.g. for employees exposed to high levels of stress who need rest and regeneration.

As for managers themselves, they must be trained in leave policies and how to use leave management tools. Proper preparation will ensure that they understand the various eligibility criteria, handling of required documentation, features and types of leave.   Don't understand everything yet? Black magic? You will learn about the no-code solution and how to create a simple application or even a serious business solution without using code here. You can also try our platform for free (no credit card required) and if you would like to find out whether our solutions will adapt to your company, we invite you to schedule a demo.


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