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Designing applications in Qalcwise Designer is now very easy
by Przemysław Fura
August 25 2019
2 min
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Designing no-code applications is much easier than programming, but business users may still feel too intimidated or scared to start using such tools. With this in mind, one of the most important challenges for Qalcwise designers is to encourage new users to take the first step in the application development process.

The first impression is crucial here because we would like to give our users many options, but at the same time we do not want to scare them with their multitude. Qalcwise Designer should not look complicated, app design should be intuitive. How can you ensure that the user - for whom this may be their first experience with such a platform - knows what to do after clicking "Create a new application"?

Our new interface solution is based on several intentions. We wanted:

  • focus users' attention on creating applications with elements called sections
  • give them a strong incentive to act
  • make your work look similar to well-known tools such as spreadsheet, word processor and drag-and-drop
  • let you build apps by dragging and dropping or just clicking
  • Convince them that a spreadsheet is what they need most 😉

As you can see above, our prompt for action is "Add a Section." You should start by clicking this button to place the first element in the empty space. The new section defaults to a spreadsheet because it is the most effective and popular form of data management. Of course, you can disagree with us and replace it with another necessary section. Adding additional sections and their type is up to you.



We are very proud of how we have simplified app design, but of course your comments will be very valuable to us. Share your opinion in the comment!

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